Setup Time? Print

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So what is the setup time on on our services?

Shared hosting accounts are provisioned automatically so you can get started almost instantly.

If you are setting up a Dedicated Cloud server then it can take a little longer. We would ask you to allow 1-2 days. It can be quite quick though, we only ask for 1-2 days to give us a bit of leeway.

For maintenance plans this is instant in one sense but we would get in touch with you to discuss your requirements so that we can tailor and target aspects of your website maintenance that both you feel are important and so we can investigate your current website to identify any current issues. i.e. there maybe things wrong with your website that you are not aware of.

In all instances though we would suggest that you get in touch to discuss what it is your are trying to achieve as we do like to try and help our clients achieve their goals. We have a lot of experience in running websites.


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